Going Viral.

So,  like any aspiring bestselling author, I’m always interested in what makes things go viral.  How or why do certain books, songs, or memes make it into the mainstream?  I’m looking at you, 50 Shades of Gray.  Consider, if you will, the below picture.

He is handsome, yes?

I pinned this on my Pinterest Vegas prep board 20 weeks ago and it’s almost exactly what Hubs wore for our vow renewal in June.  Since then, by a considerable margin, this one gets constantly repinned.  To date, I have 144 repins and 40 likes.  Now, that might sound like small potatoes to some of the major pinners on the site, but it’s been strange for me to follow the relative success of the above image.  If I could get the same success with say, one of my book covers, I would feel pretty great about raising awareness for my novels.

My second most repinned pin, original here, is below and has 60 repins and 10 likes.  The note I’ve left on the image says, ‘Really love this as inspiration for Confessions of a Teenage Band Geek,’ which, to be fair, it is.  However, I have no way of knowing if my note leads to any additional sales.  I don’t know if anyone pins below and thinks ‘what is this book I’ve never head about she’s mentioning?  I should go look that up.’  These are the fantasies in my head.



Then again, why does anyone do anything? #feelingexistential


What are your thoughts?